General Election Hustings 2024


Levenshulme Community Association will be hosting hustings for the General Election on Thursday 20 June starting at 19.15 at St Peter’s Church on Stockport Road (opposite Arcadia).

The evening will have a Question Time format with questions from the audience. You can also email questions in advance: < >.

Thanks to Rev. George Reeves, Rector, St Peter and St Mark Levenshulme, for kindly hosting the hustings.

All candidates have been invited to attend:

BURNEY Amir Yousuf (Workers Party)

GARDNER Amanda (Green Party)

GWYNNE Andrew John (Labour and Co-operative Party)

MOFFITT Lee (Reform UK)

REID John (Liberal Democrats)

WELSH Ruth Ann Welsby (The Conservative party Candidate)

Local Election Hustings 2024


Levenshulme Community Association is holding hustings for the local elections on Thursday 18 April 2024 at St Peter’s Church on Stockport Road.

  • 18.30 Levenshulme Ward
  • 20.00 Burnage Ward

This is your chance to ask candidates questions. All candidates are invited to take part in the hustings.

The LCA holds hustings for Levenshulme Ward and Burnage Ward because Levenshulme is covered by both these Wards and the priority for the LCA is to provide a voice and opportunities our whole community.

Thanks to St Peter’s Church for kindly hosting the hustings with the LCA.

Election Hustings 2023

Levenshulme Community Association is delighted to announce hustings for the local elections on Thursday 27 April 2023.

This is an opportunity for anyone to come along and ask questions of the candidates. The hustings will be held at St Peter’s Church on Stockport Road (opposite Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre).

18.30 Levenshulme hustings

20.00 Burnage hustings

All candidates (listed below) have been invited to attend personally or send a representative. The hustings will be chaired by Rev George Reeves.

Levenshulme is one of the few areas that still holds hustings. We hold hustings for both Burnage Ward and Levenshulme Ward because the Levenshulme community stretches across the Ward boundaries. The LCA has done so for many years and we believe it is an important event to enable residents to hold candidates to account and hear what their ideas are for our community.

Everyone is welcome. We hope to see you at the hustings.

Remember that you must bring photo ID to the polling station to vote. This is a new requirement imposed by the government. You can find out further information HERE. A full list of which forms of ID will be accepted is available HERE.

LCA Hustings 2023 for Levenshulme and Burnage Wards
Levenshulme local election candidates 2023
Burnage local election candidates 2023

LCA Poster for Active Neighbourhood Consultation

The LCA has provided a poster to inform people about the final Levenshulme and Burnage Active Neighbourhood consultation that closes on 30 January. Please feel free to download, print and display this poster to help make people aware of the consultation, find out more and gives their views.

Active Neighbourhood – Nothing Confirmed Yet

What’s Going On With Our Active Neighbourhood?

Councillors have confirmed the Active Neighbourhood scheme will have a new public consultation and nothing is confirmed yet.

A meeting attended by over 60 residents, including Levenshulme Community Association Secretary Jeremy Hoad, was at times tense but has brought some welcome clarity to the current status of the Levenshulme and Burnage Active Neighbourhood.

Levenshulme Councillors Basat Sheikh and Zahid Hussain attended a meeting organised by the One Levenshulme group on 20 September after the release of a statement from Manchester City Council that said:

Following the end of this trial, and reviews of feedback, all 14 filters will be made permanent.

Manchester City Council statement, 13 September 2021

Councillors say this statement by Manchester City Council about the Levenshulme and Burnage Active Neighbourhood scheme was made “out of context” and this is only a partial explanation of the current situation. The current road blocks / “modal filters” will only be made permanent if a full plan for the Active Neighbourhood is approved for implementation following a public consultation.

The next stage designs will provide a full plan for interventions well beyond the current trial of 14 road blocks / “modal filters” in Levenshulme. This is the first time our community will be provided with comprehensive proposals and and a plan for the Active Neighbourhood, three years after the project started. It is understood the plans will include measures for both Levenshulme and Burnage.

The statement went on to say that:

“This month [August 2021] the Highways Service presented the initial outline designs for the proposed next stage of the Active Travel Neighbourhood scheme to ward councillors in both areas. These were agreed in principle, with the plans also submitted to Transport for Greater Manchester for their review and comment.”

Manchester City Council statement, 13 September 2021

A New Public Consultation

The new plans will be released soon and go to a public consultation. Councillors did not provide details of the consultation but accepted that previous consultations and the scheme as a whole had been “…a complete mess from the beginning…” and that it had “…gone wrong…”. They stated they had been “…working behind the scenes…” to improve the plans and had rejected previous drafts before accepting the current proposals.

Councillor Hussain stated that so far the project had spent £800,000 and that the budget had been reduced for the whole scheme. The original budget was up to £700,000 for development work and to undertake a trial with a further £1.8m available dependent on a successful business case proposal to TfGM for full implementation.

When pressed by residents councillors clarified that if residents were not happy with all the proposals then the scheme would not go ahead and everything – including the current road blocks / “modal filters” – would be removed.

It was also stated by councillors that the road blocks / “modal filters” would not be retained or made permanent until or unless problems on all roads were addressed, something councillors had insisted on for the scheme to progress. No scheme would be approved before that. However, councillors were confident that the community would welcome the final plans when they saw the designs.

Where’s the Data?

Councillors were also asked “Where’s the data?” as the whole scheme was claimed to be evidence based and data driven as well as community led. Councillors explained that the filters had been left in place so that the project could gather more data after the trial had finished [in June 2021] as Covid19 restrictions were lifted. Monitoring, managed by Manchester Urban Observatory (based at the University of Manchester) had taken place throughout the trial. Doubts were raised by residents about how accurate, useful or comprehensive this data was as well as the placement of monitoring equipment.

What will the final plans look like?

More comprehensive, inclusive and balanced, it seems. Reference was made to traffic calming, chicanes, crossings, pavement improvements and speed tables (large raised flat areas on the road). These are the sorts of measures residents, businesses and community groups (including Levenshulme Community Association) have been calling for throughout the project.

Unfortunately the attitude previously of the Project Team (with Sustrans and Levenshulme Bee Network before they were removed from the project in 2020) was dismissive of this more balanced approach and focussed primarily on installing road blocks / “modal filters” to create a “Low Traffic Neighbourhood”.

Residents also raised concerns about a number of related issues: dangerous driving in the area which was getting worse; problems with HGVs; speeding; anti-social behaviour around the road blocks; ongoing issues with emergency services and problems for carers and other service providers needing to easily meet residents’ needs. These reflected concerns that had consistently been raised by the LCA, residents and businesses that the approach throughout the project had been limited and did not focus on solving the problems we faced as a community or prioritise the aims of the project to actually make our roads safer and encourage walking and cycling.

Councillors stressed that the scheme was “…not about cycling…” but about “…Active Travel, creating shared space and provision for walking, cycling and drivers getting around.”

What happens next?

The final Active Neighbourhood plans should be made public in the next few weeks. The council has already indicated there will be a public engagement meeting in late September / early October.

Serious concerns were raised about how the consultation would be run. Residents made clear that they were dissatisfied with previous consultation and engagement and councillors accepted this had not been done well. Residents at the meeting highlighted the exclusive, biased and insecure nature of the online Commonplace system and the limited and ineffective information available.

As yet it is unclear what changes will be made to the consultation process, when it will start or how long it will run for. It is also unclear how decisions will be made, what criteria will be used and what attempts will be made to ensure the whole community can get involved and have their voices heard effectively.

Councillors Sheikh and Hussain were thanked for their attendance at the meeting and it was made clear by residents that this ongoing discussion was very welcome. Thanks also to Mark at the Bluebell for hosting the meeting.

Levenshulme Community Association will continue to provide updates and announcements as they are available to enable residents and businesses to be fully involved in this next stage of what has so far been a frustrating and difficult experience for many people.

Manchester Urban Observatory Data For Our Active Neighbourhood

Levenshulme Community Association is grateful to Manchester Urban Observatory for this article following contact with Dr Jen O’Brien and Prof. James Evans. We will continue to provide information and updates as they become available to help everyone understand the Active Neighbourhood proposals and be involved in the process to get the best we can for our community. This fits with several of the aims of the Levenshulme Community Manifesto.

Manchester Urban Observatory and the Levenshulme Active Neighbourhood – improving decision making with data

The Manchester Urban Observatory is part of a network of 6 Urban Observatories across England which are developing a new approach to the monitoring and understanding of cities. Our goal is to ensure future decision making is informed by a detailed appreciation of the consequences and complexity of urbanisation. The Manchester Urban Observatory is based at the University of Manchester, bringing together expertise from across the humanities, environmental sciences and health. Our role is to work with local partners to support the better planning and delivery of urban development. We operate entirely independent, with our funding secured through the UK Collaboratorium on Infrastructure and Cities.

Continue reading

Dave The Cobbler

Dave Lythgoe who was Levenshulme’s Cobbler for many years has died.

If you wish to pay your respects Dave’s funeral cortège will pause for one minute outside his old shop under the veranda on Stockport Road at 1.50pm tomorrow (Wednesday 24th June 2020). Please gather in plenty of time and respect social distancing. The cortège will then turn left down Albert Road and on towards Southern Cemetery.

People will also be gathering from 1.30pm outside Fiddler’s Green Pub on Stockport Road.

Please see below for a tribute to Dave by Lawrence Hennigan, Chair of Levenshulme Trader’s Association and member of Levenshulme Community Association Core Group.

Read the Manchester Evening News article with more tributes and memories of Dave HERE

Dave Lythgoe – “Dave the Cobbler”
Continue reading

LCA AGM postponed

The LCA AGM has been postponed in light of the current situation with the Covid19 virus. Officers have decided it is best to be cautious in the current climate. We will monitor the situation and advertise a new date when confirmed. This is likely to be in May or June. Officers will continue in their current roles until the AGM in these exceptional circumstances.

Levenshulme Living Tree

Levenshulme Community Association is delighted to have worked with partners to plant a living tree on the Village Green.

The new tree will be a permanent feature and means that we will no longer have to pay annually for a Christmas tree. The new tree has been planted in the same position as the Christmas tree is positioned. This means the Village Green remains unobstructed with good views of the Levenshulme Bee and when decorated with lights at Christmas it will be visible from a distance along Stockport Road.

The tree is a sequoiadendron giganteum (giant redwood). This is the best type of tree because it is resilient, long lasting and will establish itself quickly. It was supplied by Glendale Civic Trees, imported from the Netherlands.

We are grateful to Manchester City Council for providing funding through the Neighbourhood Investment Fund. Sponsors also providing funding are:

  • Levenshulme Traders Association
  • Great Places
  • One Manchester
  • Manchester Central Fund
  • Levenshulme Community Association

Thanks to Manchester City Council for arranging all necessary groundworks and in particular to Ikhlas Ur-Rahman, MCC Neighbourhood Officer for providing the support and coordination to enable this project to happen. This would also not have been possible without the support of Levenshulme Councillors Dzidra Noor, Basat Sheikh and Bernard Stone.

The Living Tree also meets several of the aims of the Levenshulme Community Manifesto including to:

  1. Protect and enhance our formal and informal green spaces for recreation and play.
  2. Promote changes for clean air and to reduce pollution.
  3. Improve our urban landscape, for example with more street trees.

LCA General Meeting February 2020

****NEW DATE 15th FEBRUARY****

The next LCA General Meeting will be held as follows:


Saturday 15th February

Community Studio

Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre

Yew Tree Avenue, Manchester, M19 3PH (on Stockport Road)

Topics to be discussed will include:

  • Levenshulme Community Directory
  • Levenshulme Bee Network
  • Village Green Living Tree
  • New Identity and Branding for Levenshulme
  • Fallowfield Loop £4.9m improvements
  • Review of 2019 Election Hustings and plans for Local Elections 2020
  • Christmas Lights Switch On Event and A6 Lights Thanks
  • Updates from members and forthcoming local activities

LCA General Meeting

The next LCA General Meeting will be held as follows:


Saturday 14th December

Community Studio

Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre

Yew Tree Avenue, Manchester, M19 3PH (on Stockport Road)

LCA Community Forum on Policing and LCA General Meeting

LCA Community Forum

  • Thursday 4th July 2019
  • 19.00 – 20.15
  • The Klondyke Club (1 Burnage Range, Levenshulme, M19 2HQ)

LCA General Meeting

  • Thursday 4th July 2019
  • 20.15 – 21.30 (latest)
  • The Klondyke Club (1 Burnage Range, Levenshulme, M19 2HQ)

These are both public meetings. Everyone is welcome to attend. Parking is available.

Local Election Hustings

The LCA is holding two Hustings meetings for the 2019 local elections.

Burnage Ward

19.30, Thursday 18th April, The Klondyke, 1 Burnage Range, Levenshulme

Levenshulme Ward

19.30, Thursday 25th April, The Klondyke, 1 Burnage Range, Levenshulme

These are open, public meetings where anyone can question candidates directly. The full list of candidates is provided below.

Ward boundaries were changed in 2018 with Levenshulme Ward now expanded to include much of what was previously the Gorton South Ward which has been abolished. Burnage Ward has also expanded and now includes a big chunk of what was previously Levenshulme Ward running right up to Albert Road.

Please share and promote these Hustings. They are your opportunity to question candidates who will represent us on Manchester City Council.


Candidate’s SurnameOther Name(s)Description (if any)
AliAzra GulshanLabour Party
DundasBenjaminThe Green Party
HossainShahedThe Conservative Party Candidate
RaeIan SidneyUK Independence Party (UKIP)
TimoneyAndrea DawnLiberal Democrats


Candidate’s SurnameOther Name(s)Description (if any)
CatterallBobUK Independence Party (UKIP)
HickeyAndrew PeterLiberal Democrats
SheikhBasat MahmoodLabour Party
SmithJamesThe Conservative Party Candidate
VenesDickThe Green Party

Levenshulme Community Forum Meeting

Levenshulme Community Forum

19.30, 24 January 2019, The Klondyke (1 Burnage Range)

A public meeting open to everyone to discuss issues and priorities for our area.

LCA Meeting 9th June 2018

LCA General Meeting
Date & Time:
14.15, Saturday 9th June
Community Studio, Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre
LCA General Meeting 2018-19 dates (same time and venue as above):
Saturday 9th June
Saturday 8th September
Saturday 8th December
Saturday 9th March (AGM)

Election Hustings Meetings 2018

The LCA is holding two Hustings meetings for the 2018 local elections.

Levenshulme Ward

19.30, Wednesday 18th April, The Klondyke, Burnage Range, Levenshulme

Burnage Ward

19.30, Wednesday 25th April, The Klondyke, Burnage Range, Levenshulme

These are open, public meetings where anyone can question candidates directly. The full list of candidates is provided below.

The local elections this year are “all out” elections with ALL councillors up for election – three positions in each Ward.

Ward boundaries have also been changed with Levenshulme Ward now expanded to included much of what was previously the Gorton South Ward which has been abolished. Burnage Ward has also expanded and now includes a big chunk of what was previously Levenshulme Ward running right up to Albert Road.

Please share and promote these Hustings. They are your opportunity to question candidates who will represent us on Manchester City Council.

Levenshulme Community Manifesto Meeting

Come along and find out about the new Levenshulme Community Manifesto on Wednesday 28th February at The Klondyke. Developed by and for our community it is a statement of what our community wants for the future of Levenshulme.

LCA AGM 10th March 2018

Levenshulme Community Association AGM

14.30, Saturday 10th March 2018

Community Studio, Arcadia Library & Leisure Centre

Elections for 2018-19 will be held, the Annual Report will be given and we will discuss and hopefully approve the new Levenshulme Community Manifesto along with the usual updates on community activity and issues.

LCA General Meeting (December)

Levenshulme Community Association

General Meeting


Saturday 9th December

Community Studio, Arcadia Library & Leisure Centre

Everyone is welcome to share information about what is going on in Levenshulme and propose new ideas. We will also be discussing progress on the Levenshulme Community Manifesto.

LCA General Meeting (September)

Levenshulme Community Association

General Meeting


Saturday 9th September

Community Studio, Arcadia Library & Leisure Centre

LCA 10 June Meeting

The next Levenshulme Community Association General Meeting will take place as follows:

Community Studio

Arcadia Library & Leisure Centre

Everyone welcome

Find Out TONIGHT Why These People Want To Be Your MP

Your election.
Your  MP.
Eight people ready for your questions TONIGHT.
19.00 at the Jain Centre, 667-9 Stockport Road, M12 4QE.

  1. ABIDOGUN, Kemi (Christian Peoples Alliance)
  2. CLIFFORD, Peter (Communist League)
  3. DISCO, The Irrelevant Johnny (The Official Monster Raving Loony Party)
  4. GALLOWAY, George (Independent)
  5. HOPKINS, David Michael
  6. KHAN, Mohammed Afzal (Labour Party)
  7. MAYO, Jess (Green Party)
  8. PEARCEY, Jackie (Liberal Democrats)

Manchester Gorton Parliamentary Election Candidates

The list of candidates for the Manchester Gorton parliamentary by-election has been confirmed.

  1. ABIDOGUN, Kemi (Christian Peoples Alliance)
  2. CLIFFORD, Peter (Communist League)
  3. DISCO, The Irrelevant Johnny (The Official Monster Raving Loony Party)
  4. ECKERSLEY, Phil (UK Independence Party (UKIP))
  5. GALLOWAY, George (Independent)
  6. HOPKINS, David Michael
  7. JARADAT, Shaden (Conservative Party)
  8. KHAN, Mohammed Afzal (Labour Party)
  9. KHANDOKER, Sufi Miah (Independent)
  10. MAYO, Jess (Green Party)
  11. PEARCEY, Jackie (Liberal Democrats)

The hustings for candidates organised by Levenshulme Community Association takes place on Saturday 22nd April at the Jain Community Centre, 667/669 Stockport Road, Manchester, M12 4QE, starting at 19.00.

One Manchester Presentation On Chapel Street Development 

Judy Noah, Head of Development at One Manchester will be at the Levenshulme Community Assoiciation AGM this afternoon to provide information and answer questions on the Chapel Street housing development.

The meeting starts at 14.30, Saturday 11th March, in the Community Studio in the Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre.

Everyone is welcome.

Sir Gerald Kaufman Dies

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Sir Gerald Kaufman.

Sir Gerald’s Manchester Gorton constituency included Levenshulme and he was Honorary President of Levenshulme Community Association. He was a dedicated MP who was proud to champion his constituency and respond diligently to constituents’ correspondence and issues. He had served at Cabinet level and was Father of the House.

We will remember him as a gentle, principled and dedicated public servant who was passionate about the work he did for his constituents and engaged with and supportive of the work of Levenshulme Community Association.

A Manchester City Council book of condolence available in the Town Hall and online HERE

Both the Inspire Centre and the Arcadia Leisure Centre in Levenshulme also have books of condolence available.

BBC report available HERE

Guardian report HERE

Levenshulme Community Association AGM 2017

Levenshulme Community Association AGM

14.30 Saturday 11 March 2017, Community Studio, Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre

If you’re involved in a community group or activity in Levenshulme come along and talk to others. Help set priorities for the coming year. All welcome.

Malcolm Cowen

Malcolm Cowen has died. Our condolences and sympathy go to his wife Beryl and his family.

Malcolm had been Levenshulme Community Association Treasurer for some years and was well known through his other community activities, in particular his talents as an actor and dramatist working with Levenshulme Players and AllFM. Malcolm was a knowledgable man with a quick mind and a wonderful sense of humour. He was well travelled and always interested in other people, cultures and histories. His warmth and wit were always evident.

Levenshulme has lost a dedicated, principled, talented gentleman.

Jeremy Hoad
Secretary, Levenshulme Community Association


An article honouring Malcolm in the Manchester Evening News is available HERE.


Funeral arrangements

Friday 27th Jan 2017

Funeral Service

2pm at Levenshulme Baptist Church, Elmsworth Avenue, Levenshulme, Manchester, M19 3NS. There will be tea and coffee served after the service for people not going onto the crematorium.

Crematorium Service

 3:30pm at Stockport Crematorium, Buxton Road, Heaviley, Stockport SK2 6LS

Celebration Buffet and Open Mike

4pm till 8 pm at St Marys Church Hall, Elbow Street Levenshulme, Manchester M19 3PY. Drinks can be purchased during the evening

At this event there will be an open mike opportunity to talk about your memories of Malcolm (funny as well as serious) and there will also be some entertainment as requsted by Malcolm. There will also be a group of our African friends dancing for him. It wll be the send off he wanted so lets make it a day to remember so NO SADNESS, NO BLACK CLOTHES, NO TIES, NO SUITS (although scruffy jumpers are a must – especially with a pen hanging from the neck) and if you have sandals wear them and we will drink his health in tea. ( a bar is also available ).


The roads are not great for parking in Levenshulme and we need to ensure there is room for the Family and the hearse (a big white camper van) to park so please do not park at the Baptist church.

The best place to park is at St Marys Church which has its own car park; you will then have to walk to the service at the church. (You can try the side streets around the church but you have been warned).

If you are only coming for the funeral service then you can park across the road at the Sidings pub, Broom Lane, Manchester M19 2UB.

LCA General Meeting 10/12/16

The next LCA General Meeting will be on Saturday 10th December, 14.15 in the Community Studio at Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre on Stockport Road.

Levenshulme Christmas Lights Switch On

Come and get in the festive mood on Friday 2nd December at the Levenshulme Christmas Tree Lights Switch On and Party on the Village Green.

One of the highlights of the year with entertainment, celebrity guests and free presents for the first 300 children.

Star entertainers include the award-winning, Levenshulme based – ‘The Thomas Cliff School of Dancing’.

The event starts at 16.30 with the lights switch on at 17.30.

The event is organised by Levenshulme Traders’ Association in collaboration with Levenshulme Community Association and supported by local businesses, groups and Manchester City Council.

We’re also looking for stewards and other helpers who will need to be there for 4.15pm at the Village Green.

LCA General Meeting 10/09/16

The next LCA General Meeting will be on Saturday 10th September, 14.15 in the Community Studio at Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre on Stockport Road.
As agreed at the last meeting this meeting will consider minor constitutional amendments as requested by an external funding body. As such this would technically make the meeting an Extraordinary General Meeting. The constitutional amendments are primarily to specify the quorum for meetings more explicitly.

Pleas and any reports or requests for agenda items (with supporting papers where possible) to Jeremy Hoad, LCA Secretary at

BBC Radio Manchester Reports From Thairish On Dangerous Bikes

BBC Radio Manchester reported on dangerous and nuisance bikes today. Reporter Emily Wolstencroft interviewed Levenshulme residents in Thairish café including LCA Secretary Jeremy Hoad.

You can hear the report on iPlayer (44 minutes into the programme, repeated at 2h12m).

Listen on iPlayer HERE

LCA Community Forum Wednesday 27th July

The next LCA Community Forum will be held at the Klondykeon Wednesday 27th July. Doors open at 7:15. Meeting starts at 7:30.

The agenda will include:

  • An update on the Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum
  • News on a new Linked Up Levenshulme Project 
  • Discussion of ideas for crime prevention and safety

There will also be time for anyone to raise concerns of their own about life in Levenshulme.

The LCA Community Forum is an initiative of Levenshulme Community Association. These are open public meetings for everyone in Levenshulme – residents, businesses, landlords, community groups or anyone else – to find out what is going on and raise questions about our area.

Information and ideas are shared with the council and our local councillors to work in partnership for a better Levenshulme.

EU Referendum Consequences

Michael Dougan, Professor of European Law at the University ofLiverpool, spoke at the Levenshulme Community Association EU Debate on 15th June. We had a great debate – informative, reasoned and respectful. Professor Dougan references the LCA debate in this video which is his analysis of the result and the consequences of the EU Referendum.

Watch the video HERE

A note on the LCA EU Debate with praise from participants and a video of Professor Dougan’s pre-referendum analysis that reflect his talk in Levenshulme are available HERE

Praise For Levenshulme

High praise for Levenshulme.

Our speaker at the EU Refefendum Debate organised by Levenshulme Community Association on Wednesday 15 June had this to say about Levenshulme:

“Thanks very much for this very kind email. But in fact, it is me who should thank you and your fellow citizens in Manchester for raising my spirits enormously. I was thoroughly impressed by the sense of community and interest and concern and solidarity that I encountered last night. You have a rare and valuable thing in Levenshulme.” 

Michael Dougan, Professor of European Law, University of Liverpool.

You can read a report of the debate, read feedback and see a video of Professor Dougan HERE

Levenshulme EU Referendum Debate Comments And Video

We saw the very best of Levenshulme last night at the LCA Debate on the EU Referendum held at the Klondyke – engaged people discussing a crucial issue that affects their lives in a thoughtful and respectful manner, posing really probing questions and debating a topic with care and attention. The debate was chaired and moderated by Jeremy Hoad, LCA Secretary.

The starting point for the evening was not, however, the EU, but a statement of solidarity with LGBT people as a mark of respect following the horrific massacre in Orlando this week. Levenshulme is a diverse and inclusive community that does not shy away from expressing support and solidarity with marginalised groups and the victims of hate either locally or across the world.

The focus of the debate was the EU Refefendum. LCA exists to give a voice to the groups and the people of Levenshulme. Even if Vote Leave had been able to send a speaker the evening would have still concentrated on that – a debate for us, informed by the speakers, not a debate between the speakers. As it was we had the privelege of hearing from Michael Dougan, Professor of European Law at the University of Liverpool. Thanks to Britain Stronger In Europe for connecting Professor Dougan with the LCA for our debate. Although the debate was not recorded Professor Dougan kindly provided a link to a talk he recently gave on the EU.

You can watch the video HERE.

The success of the evening can be measured by some of the feedback below. Levenshulme is just the most wonderful place. Nowhere else in Manchester does this as well as we do.

Thank you to everyone involved in making this event such a success in particular to our speaker but also to the people of Levenshulme.

Comments on the Levenshulme Community Association EU Debate

“Tonight’s busy meeting at the Klondyke was the best thing ever in Levenshulme. Michael Dougan was not after votes, was not in Remain, but simply answered questions with hard facts about what the EU can do – and can’t do, along with possibilities based on evidence Myths were dispelled without a party political agenda. The audience was mint: loads of good questions – people happy to be challenged – and very respectful to each other. We all learned a lot! Everyone agreed that if Professor Dougan was on national TV it would change the shape of this debate. Thanks to the LCA: thanks Jeremy Hoad for one of the most uplifting, respectful and useful meetings ever.”

Susan Mcpherson

“Even as an out voter this was a fantastic night (the bit I saw). Not at all like I was expecting, quite balanced and the people I spoke to said it had really helped answer their questions. Really well done!”

Robert Fleming

“It was good to hear the legal aspects of membership/non-membership. My decision on my vote was mainly based on how I feel about things. After last night I have a clearer idea of how the EU interacts with the UK. It was good to get some facts rather than propaganda. Thanks for holding the meeting.”

Eleanor Tierney

“A very interesting evening, thanks to Jeremy for organising… this is the sort of factual information we need that isn’t available through the media.”

Katy Billington

“So proud of Jeremy Hoad, organising and chairing the EU referendum debate in Levenshulme tonight. Brilliant stuff – I know I’m biased [Paul Magrs is Jeremy Hoad’s partner], but really, I learned such a lot, and I think most everyone else did too. I wish the media had presented us with more of this demystifying kind of stuff. [Michael Dougan] was just excellent, and I think everyone appreciated his matter of fact approach. You’d have to be crazy to want out of the EU, basically – and he patiently explained the lies being told on all sides, and the kind of chaos that will greet us if we leave.

Anyhow – it was fantastic. Can’t we have more of this knd of thing locally? A kind of local Question Time, with people who you can actually engage with and want to listen to..?”

Paul Magrs

“Excellent talk, fair debate and I came away so much more informed about the EU… Knowledge is power, and all that! Thanks For organising this Jeremy. If only there were more actual experts like this in the mainstream media.”

Emily Jones

Levenshulme EU Debate Stronger In Europe Speaker

We are pleased to announce that Britain Stronger in Europe has confirmed the following speaker for the Levenshulme EU Referendum Debate tomorrow.

Michael Dougan

Professor of European Law, Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law, School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool

The Levenshulme EU Referendum Debate

OK, people of Levenshulme, the debate is on!

  • The Levenshulme EU Debate
  • Wednesday 15th June 2016, 19.00
  • The Klondyke, 1 Burnage Range, Levenshulme, M19 2HQ (off Albert Road)

Levenshulme Community Association is delighted to announce the big EU debate.

This is an open, public meeting. Your chance to discuss and debate the EU referendum. Speakers from both Stronger In Europe and Vote Leave are being confirmed.

Should the UK remain part of the European Union or should it leave? You decide.

Levenshulme Community Association is not a political organisation and does not take a position on the EU Referendum.

Levenshulme and Gorton South Election Hustings 2016

Once again Levenshulme Community Association is organising hustings for the local elections. All candidates have been invited. Everyone is welcome. These are open, public meetings and an opportunity for anyone to ask questions of any candidates in the May local elections.

Levenshulme Ward

Wednesday 27th April

19.30 start


1 Burnage Range, Levenshulme, M19 2HQ

Gorton South Ward

Thursday 28th April


747 Stockport Road, Levenshulme, M19 3AR

Goodbye Levenshulme Library

Levenshulme Library closed its doors today for the last time after 112 years serving our community.

The library was opened in 1904 as a Carnegie Library and has provided a place of learning, support, education, entertainment and community events and meetings for over a century.

The library was going to close several years ago under council plans but Levenshulme residents campaigned long and hard to keep the doors open. We had marathon readings, occupations of the building, demonstrations and die-ins on the street outside. Art work from children across our community adorned the failings of the library and discussions and meetings were held with the council to save Levenshulme Library. In the end we won and kept the library open with Levenshulme High School for Girls renting the building several days a week. We spoke, the council listened and the library stayed open.

With the imminent opening of the Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre on Stockport Road the old library has now reached the end of that chapter in its story. Hopefully the building will find a new role as a community centre and facility for all sorts of exciting things but for now the doors have closed and the lights have gone off. The Levenshulme Old Library group conitinue to work to try and find a future for the building but for now the old Levenshulme Library is in the past.

Jeremy Hoad, Secretary of Levenshulme Community Association took one last look round the library and recorded a few images before the doors closed.

Levenshulme Library, 1904-2016

(All photographs copyright Jeremy Hoad)


Arcadia Library And Leisure Centre Opening Date

We are pleased to confirm that the new £9.3m Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre situated in the heart of Levenshulme on the A6 will open on Saturday 20th February 2016.

This will be the culmination of a long and hard fought campaign by the LCA and Levenshulme residents and groups to keep our existing baths and library open and then to replace them with new facilities.

This is an amazing success story in hard times. It is a story of a community coming together to fight for its facilities. It is a story of Manchester City Council working positively and productively with our community. It is a story of responsive and engaging council officers. It is a story of political differences and collective action. Above all, it is a success story that the people of Levenshulme should be proud of.

We hope to see as many people as possible celebrate the opening of Arcadia with us. Further details will be made available as soon as they are confirmed.

Here are a few photographs from December. This was during a tour after the LCA Community Forum Meeting. 

Oh, and here is Jean Bernard and Jeremy Hoad. We could resist a trip in the lift.


Levenshulme Lights Switch On

The hugely popular Levenshulme Lights Switch On party is happening this Friday, 4th December.

Come along to The Village Green on Stockport Road to see our tree lit up, meet Santa, listen to music and have fun.

The first 300 children will receive a free present.

The event is organised by Levenshulme Traders’ Association and supported by businesses and groups across Levenshulme. 

Levenshulme Community Association is pleased to support the event. We have also organised the lights alone the A6 to bring festive cheer to our community.


LCA Meeting – Saturday 12th Sept

The next meeting of the Levenshulme Community Association will be held on Saturday 12th September at Levenshulme Library starting at 14.15.

The meeting will include discussion of the current Levenshulme Library, development of the New Arcadia facilities, creation of the Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum, upgrading of the A6 and reports from LCA members.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Levenshulme Community Association Meeting

This is a reminder that there is an LCA meeting this afternoon, Saturday 4th July, at 14.15 at Levenshulme Library. As always, everyone is welcome.

2015 Elections: Paul Magrs at the Hustings 

The marvellous Paul Magrs did a painting of the Levenshulme hustings organised by the LCA at the Klondyke. Have fun seeing who you can identify in the crowd.


Elections 2015: Hustings start tomorrow

The hustings for the 2015 elections start tomorrow. Everyone is welcome.

Hustings for the local and national elections in May 2015 are planned as follows:

Levenshulme Local Election
Tuesday 21st April, 19.30 at the Klondyke, 1 Burnage Range

Organised by Levenshulme Community Association

Gorton South Local Election
Thursday 23rd April
19.30 at St. Peter’s Church, Stockport Road

Organised by Levenshulme Community Association

Manchester Gorton Parliamentary Election
Wednesday 29th April
19.30 at the Jain Centre, Stockport Road

Organised by Levenshulme Interfaith Group

Candidates are listed HERE

LCA Election Results and 2015-16 Priorities

The LCA AGM this afternoon included elections with the following results:


  • Peter Naughton (Chair)
  • Jeremy Hoad (Secretary)
  • Malcolm Cowen (Treasurer)

Core Group Members

  • Matthew Ball
  • Karen Broady
  • Lawrence Hennigan
  • Mark Lake
  • John Roby Brown

Sir Gerald Kaufman MP (LCA Honorary President) was generous in his praise of Levenshulme’s diversity, initiative and identity as a fantastic place to live and work. He was particularly impressed with the strength of the LCA and the many other community groups across Levenshulme. He stressed the importance of having active and engaged residents that form the basis of a cohesive and mutually supportive community.

The meeting identified key areas for the work of the LCA over the coming year including:

  • finding a future for the Levenshulme Library building;
  • increasing community engagement;
  • ensuring active community involvement in the development of the new Arcadia Leisure Centre;
  • sharing information both online and through distributed means to reach as many people as possible;
  • building on the larger LCA membership of the past year;
  • providing more events such as the very successful LCA Community Forum meetings;
  • providing information on community funding opportunities and sources;
  • enabling and supporting greater involvement in the LCA from currently less represented groups in line with LCA key aims of inclusiveness;
  • exploring how to improve access at Levenshulme Station;
  • strengthening, developing and promoting Levenshulme as a great place to live, work and play.

LCA Officers and the Core Group will develop these ideas into firm proposals and practical priorities for 2015-16.

We are grateful to the support and hard work of the many groups that we collaborate with in Levenshulme and look forward to another positive and productive year for the benefit of all Levenshulme residents.

Levenshulme Community Association AGM 14th March 2015

The Annual General Meeting of the Levenshulme Community Association will take place at 14.15 on Saturday 14th March at Levenshulme Library on Cromwell Grove.

The AGM will receive annual reports and hold elections to the posts of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and the ordinary positions on the LCA Core Group.

There will also be time for discussion of regular business.

Further information will follow.

LCA Community Forum – Tuesday 17/2 @ the Klondyke

The next LCA Community Forum will be held at the Klondyke next Tuesday 17th February. Doors open at 7:15. Meeting starts at 7:30.

We expect to be joined by Gary Bridges who is the Site Manager for Laing O’Rourke at the new baths and library site on Stockport Road. He will be ready to answer everybody’s questions – so please come prepared.

There will also be time for people to raise concerns of their own about things in Levenshulme.

The LCA Community Forum is a new initiative introduced by the LCA last year. These are open public meetings for everyone in Levenshulme – residents, businesses, landlords, community groups or anyone else – to find out what is going on and raise questions about our area.

LCA meeting today

Levenshulme Community Association meeting this afternoon – 14.15 at Levenshulme Library.

LCA Meeting Saturday 13th September 14.15

The next General Meeting of the Levenshulme Community Association will take place on Saturday 13 September at Levenshulme Library starting at 14:15.