
LCA Meetings

LCA meetings have currently been suspended in light of the current situation with the Covid19 virus. Officers have decided it is best to be cautious in the current climate. We will monitor the situation and advertise a new date when confirmed. Officers will continue in their current roles until the AGM in these exceptional circumstances.

Jeremy Hoad, LCA Secretary, 10 March 2020

UPDATE (10 June 2020)

The LCA suspended meetings before lockdown was imposed and will not restart these until it is deemed safe to do so. We are constantly monitoring government advice but will consider the best interests and safety of our members and anyone who attends our meetings at all times even if the advice suggests public meetings are safe.

LCA General Meetings are usually held on Saturday afternoons at the Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre on Stockport Road but this may vary occasionally so please check for specific arrangements. We hold four General Meetings a year including the Annual General Meeting.

The LCA also holds meetings of the Levenshulme Community Forum. These are community meetings to discuss particular issues and to enable people to raise any issues they want addressed.

The LCA organises Election Hustings for both local and general elections where anybody can put questions to candidates.

We also represent the Levenshulme community at various council meetings and engage with other activities and events locally.

LCA General Meetings 2019-20


  • Saturday 14th March (AGM) *POSTPONED*
  • 14.15 @ Community Studio, Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre, Stockport Road 
  • Saturday 20th February
  • 14.15 @ Community Studio, Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre, Stockport Road 


  • Saturday 7th September
  • 14.15 @ Community Studio, Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre, Stockport Road 
  • Thursday 4th July
  • 20.15 @ The Klondyke, 1 Burnage Range
  • Saturday 9th March (AGM)
  • 14.15 @ Community Studio, Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre, Stockport Road 

Levenshulme Community Forum


  • Thursday 4th July 2019
  • 20.15 @ The Klondyke, 1 Burnage Range

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