Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum Meeting

There will be a meeting of Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum on Wednesday 23rd November 2016, 19.30 at the Klondyke (1 Burnage Range, off Albert Road).

The meeting will be to agree a position on Manchester City Council’s proposals to our area. The council proposes a much reduced area for our Forum that would not cover Levenshulme.

Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum has been trying to reach a decision with the council since its application was submitted in October 2015. The delays have been frustrating but the group remains determined to find a solution that meets the needs and wishes of the residents and businesses of Levenshulme.

If you are interested in what happens in Levenshulme and how to have a voice to improve Levenshulme with a focus on planning issues then please come along.

Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum Meeting

Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum Meeting
Thursday 22nd September

19.30 @ Inspire, Stockport Road
Open, public meeting, everyone welcome.

  • Find out why our application to the council has been delayed for so long.
  • Hear about our meeting with Sir Richard Leese, Manchester City Council Leader.
  • Raise any issues you have on themes for the group to address in Levenshulme.


  1. Update from the forum and designation application
  2. Area of designation vs ward boundaries
  3. Next scrutiny committee meeting Tuesday 11th October at 14.00
  4. Current discussion issues
  5. Party
  6. Next annual general meeting will be in December

LCA Community Forum Wednesday 27th July

The next LCA Community Forum will be held at the Klondykeon Wednesday 27th July. Doors open at 7:15. Meeting starts at 7:30.

The agenda will include:

  • An update on the Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum
  • News on a new Linked Up Levenshulme Project 
  • Discussion of ideas for crime prevention and safety

There will also be time for anyone to raise concerns of their own about life in Levenshulme.

The LCA Community Forum is an initiative of Levenshulme Community Association. These are open public meetings for everyone in Levenshulme – residents, businesses, landlords, community groups or anyone else – to find out what is going on and raise questions about our area.

Information and ideas are shared with the council and our local councillors to work in partnership for a better Levenshulme.

What’s Your Vision For Levenshulme?

Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum would love to hear your ideas for how you want Levenshulme to develop. What’s your vision for our community?

14.00 today in the Community Studio at Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre.

This isn’t just bout dull planning matters, this is bout what we want our community to be and to look like.

Everybody welcome.


Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum Meeting 

The Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum will be holding a meeting on Saturday 19th March 2016 at 14.00 in the Community Studio in the Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre.

Come along and say how you want Levenshulme to develop.


Help Shape Levenshulme’s Future

There is a general meeting of the Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum this Thursday 3rd December at the Inspire Centre, 19.00-21.00.
We’ve now had three events to gather new ideas and thoughts for Levenshulme and there are 7 areas of interest. We will need to start developing groups that will start focussing on these items:

  1. Parking and Traffic management (traffic lights, one way system, cycling, parking, pedestrian crossing)
  2. Public and green spaces (protection, support to improve green spaces, playground equipment, community facilities)
  3. Build environment (mix of housing, land use, describing the look of our area, conservation area, list of significant buildings)
  4. Environmental improvements (improving existing housing stock, bulk buying, energy and insulation)
  5. Environmental health and wast management (rubbish and litter, fly tipping, recycling, vermin, bins)
  6. Communication (community engagements)
  7. Business and economic development ( A6 development, business diversity.

If you are interested in one of these areas and you would like to look in developing ideas in relation to the above items, please let us know. We will be discussing these areas at our meeting on Thursday and will start putting together groups that will investigate these areas further.

I know we are a little late in releasing the agenda for this Thursdays meeting, but we’ve been quite busy in the background. 

  1. Update our planning application for forum status.
  2. Discuss the above described work groups
  3. Current planning issues, and the method in which the forum deals with current planning application.
  4. Any other business

There are not many items on the agenda, but I think the discussions around the workgroups will be taking most of the meeting.

I hope you will be able to attend and see you on Thursday.

Maria van Elk
Chair, Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum



Planning Forum Public Events

Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum (LNPF) public events.
Come along and find out about the LNPF and how our community can influence local planning issues.
What matters to you? Green spaces? Affordable housing? Improving our High Street? Supporting businesses for local jobs? Protecting buildings? Takeaways? Parking? Litter? Transport?
Everyone is welcome to get involved and help decide what the priorities and desires are for people who live and work in Levenshulme. This will become our plan for our community.
Saturday 31st October


Levenshulme Library (Cromwell Grove)
Thursday 5th November


Inspire Centre (Stockport Road)
Saturday 7th November


Levenshulme Market (Station Car Park)


Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum Meeting and Elections

The next meeting of the Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum will take place on Tuesday 1st September, 19.00, at Levenshulme Inspire on Stockport Road.

Since the July meeting the Interim Committee has finalised the draft constitution as agreed. This constitution will be presented for approval at the meeting as well as formal adoption of the Designated Area that was accepted by the July meeting.

The September meeting will formally:

  • create the Levenshulme a neighbourhood a planning Forum;
  • adopt the Designated Area;
  • approve the Constitution; and
  • elect a committee to replace the Interim Committee that was appointed in July.

Apart from this formal business to enable the Forum to exist the meeting will discuss a plan for the future and how best to develop the Neighbourhood Plan in a way that includes input from as many people in Levenshulme as possible and that reflects our priorities and issues.

As always, anyone who lives or works in Levenshulme is welcome to attend the meeting and also join the Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum.

Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum Meeting

A meeting of Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum will take place this evening, Thursday 16th July, 19.00-21.00 at the Inspire Centre on Stockport Road.

The meeting will:

  • vote on the area covered by the Forum;
  • approve a constitution for the group; and 
  • elect a committee.

The agenda, draft constitution and proposed designated area are provided below.







Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum Meeting 10th June

Following the recent information evening the Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum group are holding a meeting to talk about how to progress the Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum and look at how Northernden Neighbourhood Forum have established and run their Neighboruhood Forum.

Graham Pheby from Northernden Neighbourhood Forum will be attending to talk to us about their experience in setting up and running a Neighbourhood Forum.

Everyone is welcome.


Wednesday 10th June from 18.30-19.45

Levenshulme Library Meeting Room.