Help Shape Levenshulme’s Future

There is a general meeting of the Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum this Thursday 3rd December at the Inspire Centre, 19.00-21.00.
We’ve now had three events to gather new ideas and thoughts for Levenshulme and there are 7 areas of interest. We will need to start developing groups that will start focussing on these items:

  1. Parking and Traffic management (traffic lights, one way system, cycling, parking, pedestrian crossing)
  2. Public and green spaces (protection, support to improve green spaces, playground equipment, community facilities)
  3. Build environment (mix of housing, land use, describing the look of our area, conservation area, list of significant buildings)
  4. Environmental improvements (improving existing housing stock, bulk buying, energy and insulation)
  5. Environmental health and wast management (rubbish and litter, fly tipping, recycling, vermin, bins)
  6. Communication (community engagements)
  7. Business and economic development ( A6 development, business diversity.

If you are interested in one of these areas and you would like to look in developing ideas in relation to the above items, please let us know. We will be discussing these areas at our meeting on Thursday and will start putting together groups that will investigate these areas further.

I know we are a little late in releasing the agenda for this Thursdays meeting, but we’ve been quite busy in the background. 

  1. Update our planning application for forum status.
  2. Discuss the above described work groups
  3. Current planning issues, and the method in which the forum deals with current planning application.
  4. Any other business

There are not many items on the agenda, but I think the discussions around the workgroups will be taking most of the meeting.

I hope you will be able to attend and see you on Thursday.

Maria van Elk
Chair, Levenshulme Neighbourhood Planning Forum


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