Levenshulme Community Manifesto

Levenshulme Community Association developed Levenshulme Community Manifesto following extensive consultation with local groups and a series of public meetings. Our Manifesto has been endorsed and is supported by all local councillors and Afzal Khan MP. The Manifesto was launched in 2018 and is reviewed regularly as a living document that reflects the priorities of our community.


  1. Introduction
  1. Our Demands
  • Environment
  • Place
  • Community
  • Economy
  • Transport
  1. Recommendations

1. Introduction

Levenshulme Community Manifesto has been developed by the people of Levenshulme. It is a statement of our priorities and demands for our community. These are the things that matter to us in Levenshulme.

Levenshulme is a great pace to live. It is dynamic, diverse and has an amazing sense of community. But we want to make it better. Drawing on the strengths of our community we are standing up for what we want and making demands of ourselves, our elected representatives and anyone else who can help make Levenshulme the best it can be.

When we say Levenshulme we mean the community as a whole. This is not just defined by political boundaries but by a sense of place and community. Levenshulme is multicultural, multifaith, multifaceted and multi talented. We are proud to embrace that diversity. 

Our Manifesto themes are: Environment; Place; Community; Economy; and Transport. Within each theme are five statements that capture our priorities and what we want to see happen.

We will use our Manifesto to hold others to account and to develop partnerships to address our concerns. This Community Manifesto comes from the people who live and work in Levenshulme. It has the power of our community and people behind it.

2. Our Demands

a     Environment

  1. Protect and enhance our formal and informal green spaces for recreation and play.
  1. Promote changes for clean air and to reduce pollution.
  1. Improve our urban landscape, for example with more street trees.
  1. Encourage and promote cleaner energy use.
  1. Take action to reduce litter and dumping.

b     Place

  1. Improve the quality, suitability and affordability of housing.
  1. Make Levenshulme more attractive to businesses and shoppers by developing a clear identity for the District Centre.
  1. Promote and protect the character and heritage of the area and improve the street scene.
  1. Effectively engage the community in matters of planning, licensing, development and enforcement.
  1. Identify and resolve issues that negatively impact the area from both private and commercial landlords such as waste management and disposal.

c     Community 

  1. Promote cohesion by improving collaboration and communication between community groups.
  1. Identify and address needs and improve provision and support for specific groups including, for example, older and younger people.
  1. Improve cooperation between agencies particularly where administrative boundaries divide the area such as political and police borders.
  1. Work with police and other agencies to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour and promote personal safety measures.
  1. Strengthen a sense of community and neighbourliness by encouraging and supporting Residents’ Associations and groups.

d     Economy

  1. Prioritise the redevelopment of vacant and derelict sites (eg Elbow St / A6 site).
  1. Ensure effective development and support for new and existing businesses.
  1. Identify and promote opportunities for employment and training for people not in education, employment or training.
  1. Provide effective advice and support to not for profit projects to ensure sustainability and that commercial and other facilities complement each other.
  1. Develop, monitor and review a strategic plan for the growth of Levenshulme including employment, retail, recreation and housing.

e     Transport

  1. Promote and improve public transport provision with Levenshulme Station, associated bus services and car park as a local transport hub.
  1. Improve pedestrian safety by providing more useable crossings along the A6 corridor.
  1. Improve access facilities to and safety at Levenshulme Station to meet the needs of all users.
  1. Develop solutions with relevant partners to reduce congestion and improve traffic management.
  1. Identify and implement improvements to cycling infrastructure and facilities.

3. Recommendations

  1. Listen to the people of Levenshulme.
  1. Promote Levenshulme.
  1. Communicate more effectively and inclusively.
  1. Work together for the benefit of all.
  1. Build on our strengths and be proud of our community.

One thought on “Levenshulme Community Manifesto

  1. So this movement wants to improve Levenshulme I suggest these people who are in this movement walk around and see the dirt and filth and rubbish that the area is the people of this area, are not very educated it shows what a vile horrible people they are no morality at all dont know what right and wrong is even do they all have been educated at schools and by their families who did not teach them any respect it shows how out of touch with realtiy this community groups is lots of the community dont mix with each other they all live in their own ghettoes away from each other and dont mix

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