How to Comment

After three years Manchester City Council has released a “Final Plan”. Before this there was the “Vision Map” released in May 2020 and then the proposed locations for the trial of road blocks / modal filters that started in January 2021 and has never ended. No consultation has previously been held on specific proposals for the whole Levenshulme and Burnage Active Neighbourhood scheme.

When does the consultation run?

The current consultation starts on Friday 17 December 2021 and will end on Monday 24 January 2022. (5 1/2 weeks long including the Christmas and New Year holidays).

How do I get information?

The council says that ALL households in the project area in Levenshulme and Burnage will receive a letter with information on the project. The specific proposals will not be included.

Information including maps and a short summary of measures at each location has been published. This is available on the council’s website HERE. It is also brought together in one place on the LCA website HERE.

You can use the translate function on the LCA website to read the information in many different languages. Go to the LCA website home page and select the language you need on the right hand side. This facility is provided via Google Translate. The council’s website is only available in English.

You will also be able to view the proposals at Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre and at Burnage Library. This is not available yet. We will provide an update when information is publicly viewable.

The council promised engagement events and meetings in October/ November (cancelled) and November/December (cancelled). No in person public meetings or events will be held for anyone to attend and ask questions.

After three years and for this “flagship” project Manchester City Council has organised two online meetings. These will each last one hour and you must pre-register if you want to take part. No other meetings or public engagement activities are planned.

Where can I see the evidence and data for the scheme? You can’t. Manchester City Council claimed this was an evidence based, data driven scheme and Levenshulme councillors promised all data and evidence would be published. Unfortunately no data or evidence or reports have ever been published.

How can I Comment?


Video meetings

Two online video meetings will be held on:

  • 13 January 6.30pm to 7.30pm
  • 20 January 6.30pm to 7.30pm

If you would like to attend one of the online events email the Project Team <> to register your interest. You will be sent details on how to join.

Online Feedback Form

You can complete an online feedback form HERE.

Note that if you want to comment on all proposed measures you will have to complete this form at least seven times as you are restricted to commenting on only two measures at a time. 14 locations are listed for comment. 12 of the 14 trial road blocks / modal filters have been left out of the consultation with no explanation.


In person meetings / engagement events

There aren’t any.

Previous consultation held in 2020 on the proposed road block / modal filter trial

*** Deadline for comments extended to Wednesday 4 November 2020 because the council distributed booklets with errors in them ***

How can I comment on the Levenshulme and Burnage Active Neighbourhood plans?

A note on the maps

Please note that the map in the booklet is different to the map in the questionnaire leaflet and both of these are different to the map available online (Phase 1 Trial Map). The council has confirmed that the online map on the Project website is the best one to use.


People are directed to the Project website to leave comments but so far nothing on this Commonplace is available in any language other than English and a translation facility is not available for the website.

By email

You can submit comments on the plans by emailing the Project Team:

By filling out a questionnaire

You can submit comments using the questionnaire leaflet. This is available to download below in English and Romanian versions. However, the questionnaire does not ask the same questions as the Commonplace website.

Crucially, if you wish to comment on the proposed Phase 1 Trial of 25 road blocks / “modal filters” across Levenshulme there is no option for this apart from using the small text box asking whether you agree with the creation of an “active neighbourhood” as the Phase 1 Trial is not mentioned in the questions. You can comment on Phase 2 that covers Burnage.

Questionnaires should be available in the Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre (open Monday to Friday 06.30-22.00 & Saturday and Sunday 09.00-17.00) and in Burnage Library (open 10.00-15.00 on Monday and Wednesday).

If you’d like a paper copy of the questionnaire sent to you, or need it in an alternative language or format (such as Braille) please email the Project Team:

These are the questions in the questionnaire leaflet:

Deadlines for submitting comments

The deadline for feedback and comments on the proposed Phase 1 Trial (Levenshulme) of road blocks / “modal filters” has been extended to Wednesday 4 November 2020 so the date in the printed material (and PDFs below) is now incorrect.

The council has said:

“There was a mistake in the consultation materials that were posted out to households, MCC apologises for this mistake and this is why the consultation period was extended to 4/11/2020. There is an apology on the MCC live consultation website acknowledging this. The information on Commonplace is correct and people are asked to leave their comments on Commonplace.” 

The council does not specify what the mistake was but essentially the booklets and questionnaire leaflets that have been distributed are incorrect and you should refer to the material online instead.

formal consultation will start when the Phase 1 Trial starts on 19 December 2020 and run through the the end of the trial period on 19 June 2021.

The deadline for submitting comments on the Phase 2 (Burnage) part of the project is 21 December 2020.

As yet it is not known when any measures for Phase 2 (Burnage) will be implemented or what they might be. The original plans released in May 2020 proposed several additional road blocks / “modal filters” including two bus gates.