Levenshulme Community Association was pleased to host the Burnage Ward hustings at St Peter’s Church this evening.
We are grateful to Greg Sammons who represented the Liberal Democrats (standing in for Bryn Coombes) and Sham Raja who represented the Conservative Party (standing in for Md Shahed Hossain). They are pictured here with Jeremy Hoad (LCA Secretary) who hosted the evening.
Unfortunately Dick Venes (Green Party) had to pull out due to illness. Murtaza Ranjha Iqbal (Labour Party) sent his apologies.
Thanks to Rev. George Reeves for providing St Peter’s Church as such a splendid venue.
We look forward to returning to St Peter’s for the Levenshulme Ward hustings at 15.00 on Saturday 23 April.
Photo: (L to R) Sham Raja, Jeremy Hoad, Greg Sammons
Updated with Grangethorpe Drive plan 14 January 2022
NEW DEADLINE for consultation 30 January 2022 (announced 14 January)
Manchester City Council has released the final plans for the Levenshulme and Burnage Active Neighbourhood today. A consultation is now open for the next six weeks.
The overview map is below. An interactive version that you can zoom in on is available HERE.
Scroll down to see ALL information published by the the council.
If you would like to attend one of these events please email the council’s Project Team at levyburnageproject@manchester.gov.uk to register your interest. You will be sent details on how to join.
Funding of up to £10,000 is available from In Our Nature. Information below.
Apply for up to £10k of grant funding & bring your community project to life!
Are you part of a Manchester based community, youth or voluntary group? Has your group got an innovative project idea to help your community come together to take positive action on the environment?
If the answer is yes – apply for a community project grant and bring your group’s ideas to life! You’ll be helping us on our mission to unlock the potential of households and communities to respond to the climate emergency.
What are we looking for? We are looking for projects that take an innovative, community-led approach to tackling a local environmental issue, which also delivers social and financial benefits to their local community.
Who can apply? We can award grants to a variety of non-profit and voluntary groups such as community groups, youth clubs, schools, resident and neighbourhood associations, community interest companies and social enterprises.
Successful groups will receive…
A grant of up to 10k to bring their project to life.
Opportunities to connect and share experiences with the other successful groups.
Access to wider support through the “In Our Nature” programme including:
The rate for Manchester as a whole is now 544. On 17 May the rate was 43.
Levenshulme was designated a High Risk Area on 20 May and the Director of Public Health said action was needed to avoid rates getting to 300 as they were in Bolton at that point. There was a two to three week window of opportunity with it being a “race against time” to prevent a rise in infection rates.
Since then the government also designated Greater Manchester and much of the North West of England an Enhanced Response Area on 8 June with people told to get tested twice a week. An update on ERA status is available HERE.
As of 1 July 61.2% of adults have had one vaccination and 39.4% have had two vaccinations in Manchester.
Rules removed
You can read the full government announcement from 5 July 2021 HERE
Manchester will be the same as all of England on 19 July with pretty much all restrictions and rules used to protect people removed.
Protect Yourself and others
Please get vaccinated for your own protection and for the protection of our community.
Protective measures such as face masks and social distancing may not be compulsory from 19 July but it is advisable to remain cautious during this third wave of infections.
Check the Manchester City Council website for updates including pop-up vaccination centres HERE
The closest pop-up vaccination centre is currently at Belle Vue with a free shuttle bus running through Levenshulme with a pick up point on Matthews Lane.
Significant improvements are taking place to the roads around our schools as part of a road safety project by Manchester City Council. Full details of the improvements are provided below.
The schools affected in this area are:
Acacias Primary School
Alma Park Primary School
Chapel Street Primary School
Crowcroft Park Primary School
Levenshulme High School for Girls
St Mary’s Primary School
St Richard’s Primary School
The aims are:
to reduce the speed that traffic can move around the school
to increase the visibility of the crossing
to stop drivers parking on or near the crossing.
Manchester City Council says:
“We’re committed to making the roads around our schools much safer. These improvements are essential and should encourage more families to walk to school.
The improvements have been designed specifically for each crossing location, taking into account facts and figures relating to accident data and evidence from the site and surrounding areas.
We believe that these measures will make our school neighbourhoods much safer environments, and reduce the likelihood of accidents happening.”
Manchester City Council School Road Safety Projects
The council announcements are available HERE. Work has already started on the Chapel Street Primary School improvements.
Please note that this project is not part of the Active Neighbourhood proposals currently in development that were previously badged as Levenshulme Bee Network.
What are the changes?
Acacias Primary School
Burnage Lane / School Entrance
Zebra Crossing
Crossley Road and Moorton Avenue
Speed cushions / traffic calming
Alma Park Primary School and St Mary’s Primary School
Errwood Road / Clare Road / Buckhurst Road
(assumed roads as specific locations not specified apart from Buckhurst Road)
Flat top junction/crossing
Tactile paving
New signage
Renew road markings
Tighten Buckhurst Road junction
Raised puffin crossing
Speed cushions
Bollards and railings
Chapel Street Primary School
Barlow Road / Cromwell Grove
Tighten junction
Realign island
Signalised crossing
‘No Waiting At Any Time’ markings
Broom Lane / Chapel Street
Speed cushions
New signs and road markings
Crowcroft Park Primary School / St Richard’s Primary School
The government is building several new hospitals across the UK to cope with the demand placed on the NHS because of the Covid19 crisis. The Manchester “Nightingale” hospital is being contracted in the Manchester Central Convention Complex (formerly known as the G-Mex).
If you need help you can get it now by calling 0800 234 6123
We have set up a hub to support Manchester’s most vulnerable people, and help them cope with the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak.
We want to help you if you are:
over the age of 70, are self isolating and have no support network,
if you have received a letter from the NHS advising you are high risk, or
you are medically vulnerable according to the government criteria.
We can help with things like:
Delivery of food
Delivery of medication
Combating loneliness
Managing fuel top-up payments
Help is also be available for other reasons, for example if you are a carer, care leaver or young carer.
Across the City a community of charities, businesses, community groups and the Council have all come together to make sure you have the support you need during this challenging time.
Get help – 0800 234 6123
If you live alone, are struggling to make ends meet, are self-isolating or generally in need of advice or support please contact us between 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Saturday.