These are the opening times of the Covid Support Helpline over the holiday period.

These are the opening times of the Covid Support Helpline over the holiday period.
The LGBT Foundation has launched a befriending service to help people during the covid19 lockdown.
“Our new telephone befriending programme Rainbow Brew Buddies aims to reduce loneliness for LGBT people across Greater Manchester who may have reduced opportunities to make social connections due to the recent coronavirus outbreak or other circumstances in their life.
Those who sign up for the service will be allocated a buddy, who will have received training from LGBT Foundation and have passed a DBS check. You will then “get-together” over the phone with them for a brew and a chat at least once a week for around 30 minutes.”
Full details are available on the LGBT Foundation website HERE
Announcement from Manchester City Council
If you need help you can get it now by calling 0800 234 6123
We have set up a hub to support Manchester’s most vulnerable people, and help them cope with the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak.
We want to help you if you are:
We can help with things like:
Help is also be available for other reasons, for example if you are a carer, care leaver or young carer.
Across the City a community of charities, businesses, community groups and the Council have all come together to make sure you have the support you need during this challenging time.
Get help – 0800 234 6123
If you live alone, are struggling to make ends meet, are self-isolating or generally in need of advice or support please contact us between 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Saturday.
Call our helpline to access the support you need.