The list of candidates for the local elections has been released. Candidates for Levenshulme and Burnage Wards are listed below.
The LCA local election hustings will be held at St Peter’s Church on Thursday 18 April 2024.

Levenshulme Community Association is holding hustings for the local elections on Thursday 18 April 2024 at St Peter’s Church on Stockport Road.
This is your chance to ask candidates questions. All candidates are invited to take part in the hustings.
The LCA holds hustings for Levenshulme Ward and Burnage Ward because Levenshulme is covered by both these Wards and the priority for the LCA is to provide a voice and opportunities our whole community.
Thanks to St Peter’s Church for kindly hosting the hustings with the LCA.
The Levenshulme Players present Blue Stockings at Levenshulme Baptist Church. A play about love and learning and the love of learning. It is about the fight for women to graduate from Cambridge.
To buy tickets click HERE
Levenshulme Community Association is delighted to announce hustings for the local elections on Thursday 27 April 2023.
This is an opportunity for anyone to come along and ask questions of the candidates. The hustings will be held at St Peter’s Church on Stockport Road (opposite Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre).
18.30 Levenshulme hustings
20.00 Burnage hustings
All candidates (listed below) have been invited to attend personally or send a representative. The hustings will be chaired by Rev George Reeves.
Levenshulme is one of the few areas that still holds hustings. We hold hustings for both Burnage Ward and Levenshulme Ward because the Levenshulme community stretches across the Ward boundaries. The LCA has done so for many years and we believe it is an important event to enable residents to hold candidates to account and hear what their ideas are for our community.
Everyone is welcome. We hope to see you at the hustings.
Remember that you must bring photo ID to the polling station to vote. This is a new requirement imposed by the government. You can find out further information HERE. A full list of which forms of ID will be accepted is available HERE.
Madina Masjid on Barlow Road will be holding a Unity Iftar for the whole community on Sunday 2 April at 19.00. The invitation is below. You can reserve places via Eventbrite HERE
Madina Masjid Manchester has a tradition of welcoming people from all backgrounds to the Mosque. In the spirit of friendship and conversation, we hope to give members of the wider community an engaging insight into the life of a fasting Muslim.
Ramadan is an auspicious time for Muslims; wherein one reflects and contemplates much on the relationship we have with God Almighty. United Kingdom Islamic Mission (UKIM) is holding Unity Iftar nationally, We as part of UKIM, feel privileged, as a pillar of the Manchester community, to be able to provide facilities where we can help break the fasts of the local Muslim community. We would therefore like to, cordially invite you and our neighbours from all faiths or none, to share in this festive experience and join us for the annual Iftar Meal.
We would be honoured to have your presence to break the fast with us in the spirit of UKIM’s national initiative of ‘Unity Iftar’ on Sunday 2nd. April 2023.
Please arrive on-site at 7:00 pm for a meet and greet and to ensure you are seated and served on time for the breaking of the fast at 7:48 pm.
If you have any specific dietary requirements please do let us know in advance and we will endeavour to cater for your needs. If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
PS: Please share this invitation with your family & friends and also amongst other members of your group.
There’s a Family Health Event at Madina Mosque on 11 March 2023, 13.30-15.30 organised with Manchester Local Care Organisation.
You can talk and find out more about:
Free blood pressure checks will also be available.
All welcome to this FREE event.
Venice comes to St Mark’s!
Come and join the Vivaldi Ensemble at 7pm on Sunday 26th June in a concert of light classical music at St Mark’s Church, Levenshulme.
This is a family friendly event so all are welcome. Admission is free, and all donations will go to UNICEF to support children in areas of war.
See you there! 7pm, Sun 26th June, at Mark’s Church, Broom Lane, Levenshulme, M19
Everyone is welcome to the Unity Iftar at Madina Masjid on Saturday 16 April at 19.30.
You can book a place by scanning the QR code below or via the link HERE
Free food parcels for those in need.
Sunday 27th February, 14.00-15.30 at UKIM Madina Masjid & Community Centre, Madina Masjid, 2 Barlow Road.
Free food parcels for those in need will be distributed today 14.00-15.30 at Madina Masjid & Community Centre on Barlow Road.
The Levenshulme Community Remembrance Sunday event will be at the War Memorial Lych Gate outside St Peter’s church on Stockport Road on Sunday 14th November starting at 10.45am. All are very welcome.
There will be refreshments served inside of church afterwards and a Remembrance craft activity for young and old to be involved in.
You would also be welcome to join the church service beforehand at St Peter’s at 10am.
In order to keep everyone safe we will be asking all to wear masks and maintain social distancing where possible.
George Reeves, Rector of St Peter and St Mark’s parish Levenshulme
Over the past year Levenshulme Community Association has developed the Levenshulme Community Directory. This LCA project, developed and led by LCA Secretary Jeremy Hoad, is a resource for our community and promotes Levenshulme to the wider world.
The Community Directory shares information, supports community cohesion and links people together as well as supporting several key aims identified in the Levenshulme Community Manifesto.
The Directory provides listings organised into five themed sections as well as a complete A-Z page:
The Community Directory is a “live” resource and always open to additions and improvements. If you have anything you think should or could be added then please get in touch.
The West Window of St Peter’s Church that faces onto Stockport Road is to be restored.
The congregation of St Peter’s is delighted to announce that, following fundraising from within the congregation, grant awards and with the support of the community, this project is now going ahead. Work began on 1st February 2021 on the West Window of the Church, which due to age and weathering is in need of repair and restoration. The project is costly and has been made possible with a large grant from Viridor Credits Environmental Company, smaller grants from the All Churches Trust and The Duchy of Lancaster and generous giving from individuals.
The building can now be made weather proof for the continued use by the congregation and their community support initiatives as well as a resource for the community. Following the restoration of the Lych-gate in 2018 in time for the First World War Centenary, St Peter’s hopes this project will enhance the view from the A6 and the visual environment of Levenshulme.
George Reeves, Rector of Levenshulme said:
“St Peter’s church is an iconic building in the heart of Levenshulme. As well as a treasured place of worship, its work in the community is secured by the renovation of the big West Window, generously funded by Viridor Credits, other grant makers and members of the congregation of St Peter’s.”
The full press release can be read HERE
Levenshulme remembers in an event for Remembrance Sunday at the Levenshulme War Memorial outside St Peter’s Church. The event was pre-recorded before the current pandemic lockdown restrictions were imposed by the government. Lead by Reverend George Reeves, Rector of St Peter and St Mark’s parish Levenshulme.
You can also view the video for the Manchester City Council Remembrance Commemoration 2020 lead by Rt Revd David Walker, Bishop of Manchester HERE.
St Peter’s and St Mark’s Levenshulme are having a second session of their free second hand school uniform shop at St Peter’s Church on Wednesday 26th August.
This will be Covid-Secure and will need to strictly operate half hour pre-booked slots from 9.30am. Please private message George Reeves (Rector) to book a slot to collect some donated uniform. You can do this via the post on Facebook HERE
Lots of St Andrew’s, some St Mary’s, Chapel Street and bits of other schools branded sweaters are available including shirts and trousers / skirts for various ages. There are also some high school items, including some blazers.
Eid Mubarak to all Muslims in our community, particularly in these difficult times when so many places are closed and we must observe strict social distancing rules as part of the covid19 lockdown.
St Peter’s Annual Church Meeting is on Sunday after the 11.15am service with the meeting starting at 12.30pm. All are welcome. There are still opportunities to take on roles and get involved.
Madina Masjid and Community Centre open day.
Sunday 18th February 2018, 12.00-16.00
2 Barlow Road, Levenshulme
Levenshulme Community Association is supporting a new project to develop a Community Manifesto for Levenshulme.
The first meeting took place on 27 September and identified a wide range of issues that people wanted addressed. We will hold monthly meetings leading up to publishing our Community Manifesto in Spring 2018.
The first meeting identified key priorities and areas to be addressed. This is a starting point, not a definitive list:
1. Community cohesion
2. How to communicate more effectively with different groups / communities
3. Public transport
4. Traffic levels and cycling provision
5. Personal safety, crime and policing
6. Antisocial behaviour
7. Older people’s issues
8. Youth provision and support
9. Landlords – private and commercial
10. A6 corridor – development, shopping offer, visual appeal, high rents, number of takeaways
11. Quality of housing
12. Recognition of the character and heritage of the area, particularly the architecture – promotion of the Conservation Area
13. Planning issues and enforcement
14. Clean air
15. Generating clean energy / local energy supplies
16. Green spaces – quality, support and use
17. Street trees
18. Playgrounds
19. Redevelopment of Old Baths
20. Public facilities including new use for Old Library
21. Employment opportunities
22. Business development and support
The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm in the Community Room at Levenshulme Methodist Church on Wednesday 25 October.
The Annual Meeting of the Levenshulme WI will take place at St Marys Church Hall Lounge, 7:30 pm on Tuesday 22nd November.
Next month the Levenshulme Players will be staging the Oscar Wilde classic The Importance of Being Earnest.
It will be on at Levenshulme Baptist Church on the 10th and 11th of November at 7PM with a Saturday matinee on the 12th at 2PM.
Watch out for Lady Bracknell…
Tickets can be bought here:
Levenshulme Good Neighbours & St Mary’s Active Retirement Groupinvites you to… An Afternoon of Lunch and Karaoke
Thursday 11th February 2016 from 12noon until 2pm
at St Mary Social Club, St. Mary’s Parish Centre,
Elbow Street, Levenshulme, Manchester M19 3PY
This event is for people aged over 50.
Transport can be provided with prior arrangement,
please call Levenshulme Good Neighbours on 0161 850 1066.
Hi everyone ! A group of volunteers will be leaving from Madina Mosque , 2 Barlow Road Levenshulme tomorrow (Sunday ) at 7.30 am to Penrith (Cumbria) to help the flood victims .We will help people in lifting and shifting and take some tinned food items and cleaning products to be distributed there . Please see if anyone can join .Nasar Iqbal