The West Window of St Peter’s Church that faces onto Stockport Road is to be restored.
The congregation of St Peter’s is delighted to announce that, following fundraising from within the congregation, grant awards and with the support of the community, this project is now going ahead. Work began on 1st February 2021 on the West Window of the Church, which due to age and weathering is in need of repair and restoration. The project is costly and has been made possible with a large grant from Viridor Credits Environmental Company, smaller grants from the All Churches Trust and The Duchy of Lancaster and generous giving from individuals.
The building can now be made weather proof for the continued use by the congregation and their community support initiatives as well as a resource for the community. Following the restoration of the Lych-gate in 2018 in time for the First World War Centenary, St Peter’s hopes this project will enhance the view from the A6 and the visual environment of Levenshulme.
George Reeves, Rector of Levenshulme said:
“St Peter’s church is an iconic building in the heart of Levenshulme. As well as a treasured place of worship, its work in the community is secured by the renovation of the big West Window, generously funded by Viridor Credits, other grant makers and members of the congregation of St Peter’s.”
The full press release can be read HERE