Love Levenshulme website relaunch

The Love Levenshulme website has now been relaunched. The website was originally developed with funding from Manchester City Council but it has now had a major revamp and been relaunched with a grant of £5,000 from the Levenshulme Market Fund. The site has evolved from a listings site to a blog and now a magazine format.

The new website “…is a celebration of the things that make our community great; from the famous Levenshulme Market, our award winning Naawab banqueting hall, to the renowned Bankley Studios and Gallery.”

“As it takes these first tentative steps we hope you will join Love Levenshulme on its journey of adaptation. We are here to help deliver real change to the high street, solidify the vibrant community spirit and boulder the energies of the people who live and work here.

The project is coordinated by Pauline Johnson.

The Market Fund summary is provided here for reference:

Love Levenshulme is a digital and high street community asset. It was first created as an online map in 2014 and resident Pauline Johnson is seeking funds to develop it as a resource that will support local businesses, improve our trading environment, expand as a “live learning facility” and promote Levenshulme as a visitor destination. It’s a consumer facing, trader focused online resource and high street brand. The funds, if allocated, will be used to develop the site itself, to support engagement activity with traders and to launch a pop-up high street “hub” for the site, allowing business owners, residents and visitors to make their own contribution to its workings.

Have a look around the Love Levenshulme website HERE


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Send us your news!

Do you have news about something going on in Levenshulme?

Are you organising an event?

Do you run or support a community organisation?

Please send us your news, information, event or details of your organisation and we’d love to add you to the Levenshulme Community Association website or publicise what you are doing.

Get in touch and share what you know about Levenshulme!

Contact the LCA HERE


Jeremy Hoad (LCA Secretary)

Our new website


This is our new website for the Levenshulme Community Association. Please bear with us while we add content.