Manchester City Council is holding a consultation on its “Integrated Communities Strategy”.
The council wants views on:
- How [the council can] strengthen the ways Mancunians could get along even better.
- Your experiences of how different communities interact where you live.
Summary information is below or you can see more detailed information and respond to the consultation HERE
The consultation closes on Friday 15th July 2022.
Manchester Integrated Communities Strategy Consultation
Getting along with each other is key to making Manchester the best it can be for everyone who wants to call our city home.
The Council is currently running a consultation so that residents can tell us about how we strengthen the ways Mancunians could get along even better, and their experiences of how different communities interact where they live.
These views will be used to create the city’s first Integrated Communities Strategy. This strategy will support communities and relationships within them to become stronger – it’s about improving everyone’s chances of a good life.