Arcadia Library & Leisure Centre wants your views on how the Centre can develop to best meet the needs of our community and make best use of the fantastic facilities available in Levenshulme. So there’s a consultation. Do get involved.
This is what they say:
“As you will be aware, the centre opened in February and as a result of consultation carried out during the two years prior, the leisure programme from Levenshulme was transferred under the ‘lift and shift’ principle In the weeks since opening, we’ve received a small number of challenges regarding the existing leisure programmes.
In addition, leisure usage at Better, Arcadia Library and Leisure Centre is considerably higher than at Levenshulme, so over capacity of some sessions is being experienced.
We’d appreciate it if you would take a few moments to answer some questions about the centre, and your usage of it, in order for us to see whether there any changes required that could help improve the service and facilities that we currently deliver.”
If you use Arcadia please click HERE
If you haven’t used Arcadia yet please click HERE
You can also collect a survey form from the Arcadia reception.
The closing date for surveys to be returned to Arcadia or completed online is Sunday 3rd July 2016.