Do You Want To Be In Levenshulme WI?

There are plans to set up a Levenshulme branch of the Women’s Institute. If you are interestd then come along to the Klondyke on Tusday 17th November 2015 at 19.15 to find out about this ion and aims of the WI and see what interest there is locally. There is a suggested donation of £2 to cover costs and refreshments.

Find out more about the Women’s Institute HERE.


One thought on “Do You Want To Be In Levenshulme WI?

  1. Hello, I work just round the corner from the Klondyke on Grange Ave as a Personal assistant support worker, I read about the self defence you did, I am a Martial Arts 3rd degree black baelt, and also trained in JU-JITSU and others, I wonder the self defence you did, was it effective, also I am not sure what you do in your institute, but I also am a Hypnotherapist NLP Master Practitioner and EFT therapist and full holisitc therapist great for weight loss and phobias, plus removing hay fever and more.
    Your ladies who were attacked, if they are struggling in any way with what happened I may be of some help using my qualifications.
    All the best in Levenshulme, My self I live in Sale so not far away.

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