Another new school is being planned near us. This time in Rusholme in addition to the new school run by the Dean Trust opening in Ardwick.
Great to see Manchester City Council planning for the future and committing itself to a good model of educational provision.
Council statement and consultation:
“We’re planning to open a brand new secondary school in Rusholme in September 2017 to meet the growing demand for places in the area. And we want to know what you think.
The school will be built on land just off Lytham Road. It will be for girls and boys, and have eight forms for each year group.
The new school will be set up as a ‘free school’. Find out more about free schools at:
With modern facilities and a high-quality environment, the new school will help more children meet their full potential and encourage people to live in the neighbourhood.
What do you think?
Give us your views and we’ll use them to help develop the proposal in the best way to meet local needs.
When we have drawn up more detailed plans we’ll invite interested organisations to bid to become the school’s sponsor.”
The consultation is available HERE
The consultation closes at 5pm, Friday 13 November 2015.