AllFM Takeover For International Women’s Day

Here’s the schedule for the International Women’s Day takeover at AllFM on Wednesday 8 March. All women. All day.

You can listen to AllFM online via their website HERE or on 96.9 FM.

International Women’s Day at AllFM

A message from the fabulous Vicky Richardson at AllFM.

“Listen up to ALLFM on Tuesday March 8th. Its International Women’s Day and the ladies of ALLFM take over the airwaves from 7a.m-2a.m with interesting interviews, great guests brilliant banter and top tunes.

Check out the schedule and join me on the late shift at midnight for a special edition of NIGHT MOVES when I’ll be chatting to my friend the champion videographer documentary maker and soundtrack composer and musician JO GENDLE about her life and many careers. She will also be premiering her new compositions and bringing in her favourite tunes!”

ALLFM 96.9

Vicky’s own show, Night Moves, will be on air from midnight to 2am.

Photos courtesy Vicky Richardson/ AllFM