Grounded MCR are holding CRINGLE BARK (raising money for @dogs4rescue ) on SAT 8th JULY 10-4pm
DOG SHOW 10-12pm
– no need to book on but it is first come, first served. 15 dogs max per category and all entry fees to @dogs4rescue. (Categories on poster.)
Doggie paddling pool
Prizes – rosettes and Dogimisu from @paradisoauthentic
– bouncy castle
– glitter tattoos from @soul_sisters_universal
– entertainment 12.30-2 from Singalong Sally – we defy you not to love her!
– pizza, chips and more from @social_scranevents
– luxury ice cream from @exclusive_scoop
– brews and cakes from us
-hopefully a bar too
Grounded MCR are holding CRINGLE BARK (raising money for @dogs4rescue ) on SAT 8th JULY 10-4pm
DOG SHOW 10-12pm – no need to book on but it is first come, first served. 15 dogs max per category and all entry fees to @dogs4rescue. (Categories on poster.)
Doggie paddling pool Prizes – rosettes and Dogimisu from @paradisoauthentic
FREE KIDS ACTIVITIES: – bouncy castle – glitter tattoos from @soul_sisters_universal – entertainment 12.30-2 from Singalong Sally – we defy you not to love her!
FOOD & DRINK – pizza, chips and more from @social_scranevents – luxury ice cream from @exclusive_scoop – brews and cakes from us -hopefully a bar too