People with Pets in Poverty is a new charity to help homeless people and their pets.
Colin Alcock will launch People With Pets In Poverty later this month and aims to roll out a variety of schemes over the next five years. Colyn’s main aim is to help rough sleepers and the ‘hidden homeless’ which includes sofa surfers and people in overcrowded accommodation, hostels and night shelters.
Under the Home and Dry programme, PPP will provide safe accommodation for homeless people and their pets by paying the first month’s rent and deposit while providing a guarantee to landlords against damage caused by pets. In exchange service users must follow a recovery programme which could include counselling and a detox scheme.
Colyn has many ambitious plans for the charity, including pet food banks, an online homeless forum and even a charity single. By 2020 he hopes to have set up a community home for marginalised people with pets. He said:
“To a homeless person a pet is a guardian protector, a best friend and someone who will never judge them and always be pleased to be with them.
“I know what it’s like to sit on a street corner and beg. It’s soul destroying and isolating.”
“The next wave of homelessness is coming and it’s going to get worse. We’re looking at an all encompassing remedy.”
The first PPP meeting will be at Fred’s Ale House, Levenshulme, on Wednesday June 24, from 7.30pm. All are welcome.
For details or to volunteer call Colyn on: 07985 442 505
or email:
Read the full MEN article HERE