There will be a meeting for the campaign to have Levenshulme Library converted into a community centre (once the library service moves out next year. )
Wednesday 8th July at 6pm at Levenshulme Library
Following the public meeting on the 16th June at Inspire, it was agreed to form a constituted community organisation, that in time could develop into a management organmisation for the library building.
Initially it will be a simple ‘un-incorporated association’ that can open a bank account to hold funds, form a wide membership of local people and elect people to help the community govern the association. Based on a charitable constitution, that can be developed further as plans evolve.
If you wish to support this exciting development and back the campaign please come along to the meeting above. We will be adopting our first constitution.
At the last meeting a number of other proposals were made:
- To visit other buildings to find out what works, what doesn’t, what’s involved … whatever we can learn from them.
- Undertake a survey of skills in our community that can contribute to the campaign.
- Research the history of the Carnegie endowment, that provided the community with the building in the first place.
- Network and connect with as many individuals, community groups, facilities, and interests in the community as we possibly can.
- Invite Manchester City Council to meet with us, and offer whatever support they can to the campaign.
- Find a good name and brand for the new facility… any designers, publicists, marketeers or PR people out there… your community needs you!!
Please come along. Everyone is welcome. “Meet nice people who care about our community, have your say and show your support.”
Keep up to date on facebook:
(Message posted on behalf of Levenshulme Library Stakeholders Group)