I have been asked by the police to let people know that there are a lot of burglaries taking place in the area at the moment.
Asian families in particular are being targeted for women’s jewellery with gangs of up to five men breaking down doors and ripping necklaces off. This is obviously very frightening and intimidating. It is not only Asian families that are suffering but that is a particular target at the moment.
(Jeremy Hoad, Levenshulme Community Association Secretary)
* Keep your doors and windows locked even when you are at home.
* Use your alarm if you have one.
* Don’t leave valuables on show
* Make valuable items traceable and take photographs.
* Register property at www.immobilise.com for free.
* Dial 101 to report any suspicious activity to the police (non emergency).
* Dial 999 in an emergency or if you see or suspect a crime in progress.
More crime prevention advice is available at www.gmp.police.uk