The new programme of support will be put in place after Arts Council England approved a joint bid by Greater Manchester’s ten authorities for £45,000 of funding.
Under the Start Up Engines project, which will be managed by Manchester City Council, enterprising residents will be able to access a wide range of information through a virtual ‘Flatpack’, which will offer all the help a prospective businessperson could need to turn their ideas into reality – including how-to guides, strategy ideas, free web tools and apps.
Residents will also be offered the chance to use their libraries to meet up and exchange ideas, either by using available meeting spaces or virtually, through the creation of online enterprise communities.
A programme of 50 events is planned, which will bring top business brains to Greater Manchester to act as role models for the next generation, as well as offering practical help on the nuts and bolts of getting your business off the ground.
Read the full announcement HERE