Levenshulme Community Association General Meeting 08/12/12

Record of Meeting 8th Dec 2012

Present: 19 members


Cllr J Hennigan Pauline Kavahnagh
Barbara Mellor Sarah Riley
Sarah Varelli Carol Thompson
Julie Walker Khan Moghal



Peter Naughton Chair Cllr N Ali
Cllr Peter Cookson Cllr J Reid
Cllr A Ahmed Sir Gerald Kaufman MP
Cormac Lawler Jean Bernard
Jennie Vickers Helen Power
Lawrence hennigan Beth Marshall
Aiden Lawler Marian Van Elk
David Mottram John Commons
Jeremy Hoad Cllr Kate Butler (Stockport) Observer
Stacey Coughlin – Bankley Mills Studios Lydia Meryll- Secretary


  1. What’s been going on?
    1. Levy Festival was the biggest yet and very successful. The Light Switch on was also very exciting, drawing attention to the activity of the Traders, with a big crowd and an additional Market. The two week Youth festival, funded by  Community First,  and led by the young people of the Youth Forum, was a new part of the programme and attracted many young people who had not yet been involved in Youth activities.

Sir Gerald congratulated Lawrence Hennigan on the vibrant events, well supported by the people of Levenshulme.

  1. Levenshulme Community Food and Drink Festival being organised by Jean Bernard, whose Community Organiser funding from Central Government has finished. This is aimed at 4th June 2013
  2. An Art and Heritage project for the hoardings has been part funded by a cash Grant, and additional funding will be sought
  3. Community Asset mapping project is being undertaken by volunteers and will contribute to the Community First Plan to be discussed in the New Year. The Time Bank process is being formalised with a hand Book and web site
  4. The new Web site for Levenshulme Community Association was also launched and a request for technical and secretarial support was made.
  5. Councillors reported the allocation of Cash Grants in both Gorton South and Levenshulme Wards, There is a sum of £5k  remaining for further bids in the new year. Councillors reported a rush of applications because of the austerity measures
  6. Two Job Clubs have started: Mondays at Inspire where 156 people had been seen so far. St Marys on Tuesdays. Both seen as  successful beginnings.
  7.  The landlord of the Bluebell had been awarded two Manchester Awards – unsung hero and Pride of manchester Community Award. All present at the meeting signed a card of congratulations



  1. Minutes of 15th Sept were accepted as correct record after a correction of item 2.2 where Whalleyrange had been the venue of the last meeting, not Withington and the successful leaving event for les Ireland and John Horsfield was recorded.

3.   Matters arising from Minutes of last meeting:

3.1  Levenshulme Baths: The Scrutiny Committee of 16th Oct para 8.5 reported on the progress of a Joint Service centre for Levenshulme. The consultation showed that it  had been strongly supported but there is a need to retain single sex provision for any swimming  facilites. A single pool was not adequate. A local options appraisal would follow a specification. Cllr Reid confirmed that the Arcadia site  has been ruled out because of the revelation of a major sewer running in front of the  building. Beth Marshall asked that the possibility of retaining the facility on the current site should be considered. Cllr Rosa Battle had been asked by Cllr Cookson to retain the current baths and library provision until a new one was ready.

It was agreed that the Chair would  invite David Boothroyd to a meeting early in the New year to clarify proposals and the LCA would put a statement of the current state of play on their web site.

3.2 Arcadia: This roller hockey facility has been rescued from closure by volunteer management committee, The Sport and Leisure Trust has taken over the running from SERCO and the Roller Hockey team now run the centre for 4 days a week. They are seeking a 3rd party Agreement with S+LT.  The possibility of using the empty Squash Court for the Youth Club was raised and councillors present asked to raise this possibility with S+LT. The fledgling Social Enterprise would need further community support as the upkeep of the building will be expensive.

5. Burnage and Levenshulme Sports Alliance: Peter Naughton and Aiden Lawlor had attended the newly established Levenshulme and Burnage Sports Alliance. Cllr Austin in attendance. No Levenshulme Councillors present, and Burnage needs seemed to take precedence. Little knowledge by officers of existing resources in Levenshulme or Green bank (Gorton S). Suggested terms of reference should include Gorton South as well. Peter has asked for a meeting with Lee Preston and Cllr Reid will also attend with Steve Downey.  Problem of SRF boundary demarcation discussed: separate groups of officers. Sue Moores to be asked about boundary issues with Burnage and possible collaboration on youth work as well as sport.  L to be asked to put Sports Alliance info on LCA web site.

Agreed: meeting with Sue Moores and Lee Preston before 5th march (Date of next Sports Alliance)

6. Levenshulme Youth project: Results of intensive work with young people in both Gorton South (Jameel’s Leadership through Sport Group) and the Levenshulme Youth Project – Forum-led Festival and group at Inspire. More cross-cultural work needs to be encouraged. Youth work office at Cedar Mount has been withdrawn but ALLFM have offered to rent an excellent space. Help needed with rates remission.

Agreed to support collaborative bids to the next round of Manchester Youth Fund, in both SRF area, due 25th jan.

7. Fallowfield Loop Old Station building: This building has been left empty by Sustrans Railway pathways Ltd for past two years since Repo TV moved out .  Empty building having detrimental affect on regeneration prospects of that end of the High Street,  Possible tenant to confirm in new year (Rent thought to be in region of £15k pa including renovation and upkeep responsibilities) Agreed any tenant better than no tenant. Cllr Ali will keep an eye open for any planning application.

Several local activists including Friends of Fallowfield Loop and Residents’ Groups made a site visit on 25th oct. Saw water ingress and damp due to lack of ventilation, but structure looks sound overall. Many ideas for community use and Sustrans health projects. Possible acces to Community Capital and other  funds discussed . Lawrence suggested Crowd Funding.  Wd need a good business Plan. Need to survey other nearby businesses for support. Bankley Mill keen to have a High Street presence for art. Extension of Antiques Village theme.

Agreed: Lydia  to continue in dialogue about possible community use with Director of Sustrans. Jeremy and Cormac to support.

8. Finance Report:

Record of Finances being revised.

General Fund now in deficit – £103.

£2,700 in Reserve Fund.

Funds being held for The Green Initiative (Planters), Cycling project, and Baths Campaign funds

Christmas Lights cash Grant goes through the LCA. Payments to be clarified by Elaine Mills

Fund raising event needed urgently

9. Community First Panel:

Draft themes had been circulated for existing Panel members in June and had been ranked in order of perceived priority. South Manchester Reporter had been sent the draft priorities, but had not published them. (June 2012  LCA meeting)

Les Ireland and John Horsfield had left the area and new members of the panel were sought. (Max of 8 voting members and broader Advisory Group- see CDF Criteria nationally)) Lydia felt she had a conflict of interest in her role of fundraising for the Youth project.


New members of the Panel were sought from the Community Association.  Acknowledged that this Panel has been set up differently from that in Gorton South and that that is in line with the CDF Guidelines. Agreed that more publicity is needed to ensure as much transparency as possible. £8.5k needs to be allocated and spent by the end of Feb. Panel to be asked to set up an Open Meeting and the information to go onto the new LCA web site along with details of recipient projects from the last round.

Three members of the LCA nominated them selves to join the group: Aiden Lawler, Cllr Ali and Jeremy Hoad


Agreed:  to hold an Open meeting in January before publication of agreed criteria for bids and to canvass ideas about a Community First Plan. Sub –group of Panel to plan this meeting.

10. Constitution: A sub-group has met to make further consideration of the revised constitution with clarity about the core purpose of the Association and its funding. John Commons reminded the meting that the original purpose had been to look after the Community Centre building. It was agreed that it still has a significant role in bringing together the Councillors and residents of both wards which go to make up the traditional neighbourhood of Levenshulme. (Contrasting maps were displayed)

Following recommendations were made to the drafting group:

  1. No need to duplicate the Ward Co-ordination Boards
  2. Should have a loose constitution with activity open to all residents
  3. Should have a fundraising function
  4. Should be an umbrella group to support collaboration and information sharing between residents and campaign groups in the area.
  5. Should ensure good communication and make better use of social media to connect with wider audience
  6. Would not “Represent” all organisations, but offer a forum for ideas and activity sharing. Could link in to asset model of community, making use of the developing Asset Map.
  7. An Open Forum would reveal the hidden work already undertaken voluntarily
  8. Advocay role to be re-considered if no capacity or legitimacy to carry out outreach functions.
  9. More inclusive and cross-cultural. Possible community evenings – such as the Grub and Gossip evenings held in Gorton South.
  10. A way of bringing communities together to discuss potential points of friction or tension.
  11. New methods such as the Question Time – Any Questions – event held in the Autumn
  12. Need to build on the credibility already established by the LCA with the council, and other formal bodies
  13. Information sharing might be facilitated by an external social enterprise such as MACC.

Agreed: The LCA should remain as an umbrella group, a group of groups with affiliation. Formal representation could be considered. Membership sub also to be considered. Draft to be brought to AGM in March 2013. Officers to continue to be elected at an AGM.  AGM to be widely advertised to the whole community, but voting may need to be restricted as this was not an alternative to the Local Authority elected representative body – Ward Councillors.

 11. AOB.

11.1  Lydia Meryll announced her intention to stand down as Secretary at the AGM

11.2 Lawrence hennigan announced that the Levenshulme market will be established as a Social Enterprise independent of the Council markets Dept. and has secured £26K

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